New Music Friday | 4

Featuring new music from: The Ghost Wolves | Kishi Bashi | Gang of Youths | Faded Paper Figures | Prawn | The Rural Alberta Advantage | Artist: The Ghost Wolves Song: Baby Fang Thang …

White Reaper EP | review

Here's a very cool EP, ohh yeah, a funn sixteen minute blow-out that you should ask your girl to enjoy with you, I bet she wants to, trust me, it's not half bad and I'm no conspirator. I'm going to try write this review at the pace…

Ernest Hemingway

The first thing I read by Ernest Hemingway was a short story called 'Hills Like White Elephants'. I had never read anything like it before. It kind of changed everything for me. I threw away my thesaurus that day. Okay, I lied; I didn't…

Jack White, Goodnight.

I might still be suffering from the affects of too-acute an excitement to write about this. But I feel like I had one of those experiences that they always try to make films about but fail to get the emotion across adequately. Jack White…