Best of Dubland 2017 (Part 1)

The Best of Dubland 2017 has a great smattering of the best bits from this year of the podcast. Listen to it and let us know your best bits and if we've left anything out so far! There will be part two of the Best Bits next week (too many…

Dubland 91

91 Dubland begins with a public service announcement. This is the last original episode of the year, but there will be a couple of 'Best Ofs'. Then the serious talk begins, with Bewley's of course - and sausages. Starbucks suffers from…

Dubland 90

90 Dubland spews forth. It bubbles up and bursts out of your earphones and it will shake the very core of your immune system. Seal your orifices folks, PJ is burnt out, spilling out and very nearly timing out. So, there's going to be a…

Dubland 89

89 Dubland has Paddy Boxes, Pidge the Pigeon and Dear David tweeting about ghosts. PJ is incredulous but Suzanne literally screams on the pod. There are two types of people in the world. There are PJs and there are Suzannes, which one are…

Dubland 88

88 Dubland starts off with a tea party, smoothly moves into slandering world's-poorest-millionaire Joanne McNally and then turns into an advertorial for Nespresso which, obviously, features the phrase 'anal roar'. Suzanne has bought…

Dubland 87

Nice boobies! 87 Dubland starts with a bang. Suzanne is informed that her head looks better in real life and PJ is told he's much fatter in real life. Past PJ tries to sell a bouncy castle to Suzanne. They talk a bit about Conor McGregor's…

Dubland 86

There's a law in Hawaii that fines people for being rude, as in being on your phone while people are talking to you, this would bankrupt Suzanne. Dubland is two years old, in its Terrible Twos so PJ decides this is the year they're going to…

Dubland 85

85 Dubland begins with the promise of a Dubland Instagram account and an incredible fan email - thanks Amy! Then PJ's flute comes out and he tries to talk to everyone and anyone nearby, also, he's decided to be a style icon, so shopping in…

Dubland 84

84 Dubland, in which Suzanne and PJ celebrate a sort of anniversary and PJ stuffs his face with chocolate and anything else in reach. This fuels him well for his reaction to the Tom Petty news. In the first episode since the glorious live…