Poem of the Week |31| Goldfish
The children tap the glass
despite my protestations.
You swish along your watery pew
reproaching them in silent plosives
mouthed into the water. You’re not
exotic enough for them, your
orange wearing thin over a yellow
rotund belly, continuing a
course of glass eyed contemplation
around your little tank while I’m
pulled towards the sea monkeys.
Eoin Rogers is a long time contributor to HeadStuff. To see all his other wonderful posts about poetry, literature, equality, film and comic books, please click on this link here.
To enjoy and discover all the other HeadStuff poems of the week follow this link instead.
Submit your poetry to HeadStuff
Once a week we feature a poem whose voice manages to cut through everything else we’ve read; something that stays in the mind and haunts us. We’ll be looking for new poems from 2016 on.
POEMS: 3-6 poems, either page or performance. Please submit your work in the format you want us to use. eg. page, YouTube, Soundcloud. We will only use high quality sound / video performances.
All poems should be submitted in .doc/.docx format, not PDF, and include author’s full name (we won’t publish anonymous work), and a 100 word bio.
NEWS: If you have an event, a competition or submission call, a poetry reading or launch you want to tell everyone about, send your news to me by the 25th of the month, for inclusion in the next issue.