Strange Bedfellows [13]: Season Finale
Season Finale
Winter is coming.
White Walkers in red caps
waking up from oxycontin
hangovers with pent-up rage
even guns can’t soothe,
goose step to the sound
of Trump.
Wall street strumpet struts
her stuff. Iron Throne
bought and paid for.
Works her magic on
wetback wildlings
streaming into El Norte.
The Mad King threatens
reign of terror, also steak,
champagne, and golf.
Babbles about boobs,
menstrual blood, matters
of size; lies like a rug.
Mother of Dragons rises
from the ashes of Benghazi,
greyscale husband croaking
by her side. Comeback Kids
redux. Hair do, pants suit
Promises empty prisons,
color blind justice, sensible
gun laws, no glass ceiling,
drones impervious to borders,
nerves of Valerian steel.
Remains Un-Bernt.
Varis and Littlefinger Koch
keep their super-pacs flush
with cash, fracking away
at workers’ rights,
making the world safe
for plutocracy.
Sparrows seek their roost
on the Supreme Court.
Keep women barefoot
and pregnant.
America great again.
Mexicans, Muslims
need not apply.
The night is dark and full of terrors.
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