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Humour Lists

The 10 Times St Brigid Was a Badass

In National School, 1st February is a day often associated with boring talk of Saint Brigid and the frustration of making a cross from rushes that crumples in your bag before you can even show off your shoddy attempt to your nan, in a vain…

How to Become a New York Writer

Just being able to retrace the same city blocks that so many famous writers traversed is enough to inspire the next great American novel. Of course, the city was more affordable back then and most writers had an uncanny way of financially…

Party Tips For Introverts

Being an introvert is hard. The hardest thing in the world. Harder than a guide to string theory made of diamonds. Parties are the hardest. You have to talk to people (hard) and listen to them (quite enjoyable actually) but you can't just…