The Happiest of All Memorial Days by Acollective. (An excited unreview)
I’ve been having a great time discovering new music recently, and so it continues with these guys, Acollective. It started off when I watched this, let’s be honest, fairly mind-blowing video. By mind-blowing of course I mean bizarre, weird, creepy, mad as a bag of sparrows, but like there are loads of sparrows and each individual sparrow is bigger than the bag itself… ya get me? The video is odd. But it’s also great, it’s animated, and it’s dark and there’s a guy being eaten by a large fish. The song itself The Happiest of All Memorial Days is beautiful and I’m no musician, but I think it’s a really good song. Instead of trying to sound like I know what I’m talking about I’m just going to post the video here:
[youtube id=”X5e1z3bbkUA” align=”center” autoplay=”no” maxwidth=”550″]
I have now listened to this a lot and I realise it deserves a proper review, I can’t do it justice, so I’m going to send it in the direction of the multi-talented Jim O’Donoghue Martin. His review of the album should be up soon.