EP Review | Look Mum No Computer & Human Procrastination

Sam Battle A.K.A Look Mum No Computer is best known for using handmade musical instruments on his YouTube channel. From a Lego Star Wars orchestra (made in association with Lego), to a Gameboy “mega-machine”, he’s pushing boundaries in noise-making. He’s also been pushing the boundaries of human decency with his Furby Organ (if you want some lasting nightmares, check that out). Now he’s showing us just what he can do with these noises. The result is a fun, poignant debut EP—Human Procrastination.

It’s often hard to predict how an EP like this will come together, because it can be impossible to know how experimental instrumentation will turn out. Human Procrastination, however, is a solid electronic/indie album with clever, witty lyrics. Battle is clearly feeling disillusioned about the world at the moment. In ‘Groundhog Day’ he sings about the monotony of modern life and the 9-5 cycle that capitalism has dealt us. Following this, he turns his attention to society in ‘Modern Gas’, warning against dishonest politicians and unrealistic social media standards. Battle concludes that happiness must come from within and not from the acceptance of others.

In the video for the title track, Look Mum No Computer sings among his instruments before joining a group of dancing Pos (of Teletubbies fame). The red lighting, combined with the lyrics displayed in the green font of a clunky old-school computer, gives the video an ’80s sci-fi vibe. ‘Human Procrastination’ (hold onto your hats) is about global procrastination and how the world is failing to save itself. Procrastinating from another song, Battle wrote this one ironically, but it rings true. Battle accuses the world of putting its head in the sand and warns that it could be the end:


“Soon these things will take their toll and we might get deleted.”

As for the music—think an experimental, electronic Jamie T, but no rapping and way more synth. Much like a live show from Look Mum No Computer, this EP is fun, experimental, and worth experiencing. Above all, Human Procrastination is a lament to the lost hope of a generation. It’s a look at modern life and its monotony, the restlessness of youth, and the ignorance of those in power and those who voted them in.

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