39 | Terry Pratchett with Dave Rudden

Author Dave Rudden joins Alan and Sarah so that they can feel all the emotions about Terry Pratchett. This is a long one so make a pot of tea or plan a long drive somewhere. We focused mostly on the Discworld novels particularly Vimes and the witches. There’s lots of enthusing and lots of quoting from memory. Hopefully it’ll make you pick up a Discworld book or any Terry Pratchett book really. They’re pretty much all good. Enjoy.

Dave’s books Knights Of the Borrowed Dark and The Forever Court are out now. The Forever Court is nominated for Senior Children’s Book of the Year a the BGE Irish Book Awards. If you’re quick you can still vote for it here

Sarah’s book Spare And Found Parts will be out in Ireland, the UK, and Australia in Feb 2018.

Alan has another podcast on the HeadStuff Podcast Network running until Christmas. It’s called Roast Chestnuts. He reviews a made for TV Christmas film with Jeanne Sutton and a special guest every week. If you like Juvenalia, you’ll like Roast Chestnuts.

Relevant Twitter accounts for this episode:

Dave Rudden (@d_ruddenwrites)
Sarah Maria Griffin (@griffski)
Alan Maguire (@alan_maguire)
Juvenalia (@Juvenalia_Pod)

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Dave Rudden pic via Little Island
Terry Pratchett pic via The Long Earth Wiki
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Juvenalia original artwork by Dee McDonnell
This episode was produced and edited by Brian + Alan