#37 | Stories for Repeal: Catherine Hayes

Stories for Repeal: Catherine Hayes

On this episode of Sparking Change, Dil speaks to Catherine Hayes about her experiences and perspective as a GP since the referendum to introduce the eighth amendment in 1983.

Catherine Hayes has had an astounding medical career. She worked on the Rotunda Hospital’s pilot sexual assault treatment unit in 1985, she was a GP with the sole responsibility for the care of female prisoners in Mount Joy prison, and was visiting medical expert for the committee for the prevention of torture and inhuman or degrading treatment, European Union.

In this episode, Dil and Catherine discuss Catherine’s experience with the upcoming referendum in comparison to the one that voted in the eighth amendment in 1983, why Catherine thinks people are against repeal, and the power that real stories can have in humanising an argument. Catherine offers a candid and incredibly insightful opinion on the eighth amendment, highlighted by her vast experience—both personal and professional. Simply a must-listen!