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Michael O’Leary Rules! Okay?

Recent moves at City of Derry Airport prove that Michael O'Leary rules, if not Ireland, Britain and a chunk of the rest of Europe, then significant aeronautical hectares of them. Michael O'Leary is Mr. Ryanair, CEO of the airline company…

10 Reasons why I Also Hate My Boat

In Monday's Irish Times (10/08/15) Tim O'Brien broke the final taboo in print journalism to say what we in the recreational sailing community have been saying for decades, boats are terrible. O'Brien righteously pillories common nautical…

Marriage Equality for Emigrants

The referendum for Marriage Equality is not something that I ever thought I'd ever actually miss. When I left Ireland there were other things which I was more concerned about missing out on; SuperQuinn sausages, Curly Wurlys, my Mammy etc.…