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Science Gallery

Sexy Beasts LIVE | Aliens

Recorded on 10/07/18 LIVE as part of Science Gallery Dublin’s ‘Life On The Edges’ exhibitions. The boys are joined by Space Weather Scientist Dr Sophie Murray and NASA astrobiology scholar Dr. Kevin Webster to discuss the life in space,…

Blood at the Science Gallery

I stood in pitch darkness. I couldn’t see it or smell it but I knew that a metre away stood a mannequin composed of compacted dried blood. Every thirty seconds a luminous drip splashed down, briefly highlighting the contours of the face,…

Fail Better

Thomas Edison once said “I have not failed, I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work” and I reckon that’s a pretty good way of looking at this particular ‘f’ word. I personally don’t cope so well with failure. I cry, a lot. But tears…