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The Eighth
With the referendum on the eighth amendment looming, Ireland is witnessing both sides of the debate battle it out in the media, online, in the streets.
But have you ever wondered why these sides – pro repeal and anti repeal – are so diametrically opposed? Where do they part ways? Can we ever know who is right and wrong with such a complex, nuanced issue? Should the constitution mention abortion at all? And can we know when life truly begins and should be protected?
The HeadStuff Podcast Network presents a new podcast series documenting the upcoming referendum on the Eighth Amendment to the constitution of Ireland, The Eighth.
Episode 08: Difficult Conversations
We're being asked by campaigners for and against repeal to get out and talk to our family and friends before the 25th of May - to have conversations about why voting is so important, and about which way to vote. Turnout will make or break…
Episode 07: Everyday Stories – Part 2
In this episode of The Eighth, Louise tells the story of having termination following a fatal foetal abnormality diagnosis, and Ciara and her friend Karen share their own abortion stories with each other for the first time.
Episode 06: Everyday Stories – Part 1
The latest episode of The Eighth shares four women's stories of abortion, and is a partnership with Everyday Stories.
Content warning for sexual violence, physical abuse, abortion, miscarriage.
Episode 05: Maternity
In this Episode, we hear about how the 8th Amendment impacts on every single pregnancy in Ireland, Ciara speaks to Philomena Canning from Midwives for Choice, Dr Anthony McCarthy, Perinatal Psychiatrist in Holles St, Krysia…
Episode 04: The Violinist
The Violinist.
This Episode of The Eighth delves into the field of ethics, or moral philosophy, to see how it can help clarify a lot of our gut instincts around the issue of abortion. Ciara speaks to world-renowned Professor of Bioethics…
Episode 03: In Trouble – Irish Abortions Then And Now
In this Episode of The Eighth, Ciara tells the story of the reality of Irish abortions, and why Ireland will never be an island free of abortion. She speaks with Niall Behan, CEO of the IFPA, who provide counselling to thousands of women…
Episode 02: Yes for Repeal
In this Episode of The Eighth, Yes for Repeal, Ciara meets women who are campaigning to remove the 8th amendment to the constitution. One woman tells her personal story of travelling to the UK for an abortion, another describes how she…
Episode 01: Against Repeal
Episode 01: Against Repeal
In this episode, Ciara meets a philosophy student who says he owes his life to the 8th Amendment, a Polish anarchist who hates the term anti-choice, a feminist student who believes 'abortion is the ultimate…
The Eighth 00: Introducing The Eighth
Introducing The Eighth, a podcast documenting the upcoming referendum to repeal the 8th in Ireland. This episode, a prequel to the series, outlines the host, Ciara O’Connor’s background and the origin of the series - a safe space to ask…
The Eighth | Trailer
With the referendum on the Eighth Amendment looming, Ireland is witnessing both sides of the debate battle it out in the media, online, in the streets.
But have you ever wondered why these sides - pro repeal and anti repeal - are so…