The Suss This Week | Ep #25 – Sinead Mercier

This is a new series of pieces which will try and sum up what we feel we learned from our amazing guests. All episodes of The Suss are available to sink into your earholes now across a range of platforms.

In Episode 25, we sat down with Sinead Mercier, Green Party research, climate expert and self-described militant optimist. In case you missed it, here’s some of what we teased out and took away from this episode.

Áras ’18; formality or not? 

We’re unsure as of yet as to how the race for the Phoenix Park will unfold. Steph ponders if any of the candidates can match up to Miggeldy’s popularity. Glenn is less sure of the outcome, referring to instances in the past were Irish people have lined up in their droves to vote for sub-par candidates.

There will be no ‘eureka’ moment for Fine Gael on housing

If the son of a former Fianna Fáíl minister is struggling to pay the rent in Dublin, what hope is there for the rest of us? State inaction on homelessness and housing is reaping disastrous consequences. This is a subject that we will continue to cover week after week. Groups taking direct action are wholly justified as it appears that all other avenues have been exhausted.

The Irish ban on fracking only extended to the cliffs

Ireland recently became the first country in the world to ban fracking. We were shocked to learn that this does not cover Irish waters. The eco-system in the sea and ocean around Ireland is being destroyed in pursuit of unlikely oil discovery.

Climate change is not your fault

With all the focus on keep-cups and straws, more and more people are stepping up their game in doing their bit for the environment. The question begs just how futile these efforts are if we as citizens are not prepared to hold the 80 or so companies really responsible for climate change accountable for the destruction that they reap on planet Earth.

You can listen to our chinwag with Sinead in full now on most podcast platforms and get in touch via Twitter/FB/Insta – @thesuss_ie.