The Week on Twitter | Enda Kenny, Donald Trump, & Shite Pints

This week, Enda Kenny visited Donald Trump, someone poured an atrocious pint, we got the referendum we’ve all been gasping for, and there was a protest at RTE. The EU also ruled that employers were allowed to ban the hijab in the workplace, much to the exasperation of many.

#EndaKenny visits the White House, #Trump confirms Ireland visit

On Thursday, Enda Kenny visited the White House. He had breakfast with Mike Pence, did a little photo call with Trump, and then gave him a bowl of shamrock. They also had a meeting, which Kenny described as “constructive” and “beneficial.” They talked about undocumented Irish immigrants living in the States, Trump’s Presidential win, and how the two of them are now best mates. They did not discuss Trump’s travel ban that had come into effect on that same day.

Enda also invited Trump over to Ireland. Trump stated that he would definitely be there. A journalist asked Enda if he would still be Taoiseach by the time Trump made his visit. Enda asked him if he would still be a journalist. It was a whole thing.

It was during this momentous visit that Speaker of the House Paul Ryan presented everyone with what can only be described as the worst pint of Guinness in the world. The head was in bits. There was no foam. It was even more offensive than Mike Pence’s laboured ‘Top o’ the morning’ that no doubt set ‘St Patty’ turning in his grave.

Overall, it was an occasion deemed fit for Paddy’s Day, full of crass green ties, a bowl of shamrock, and a load of fuckin’ snakes.

Kenny announces voting rights referendum

Last week, thousands of people marched to Leinster House carrying banners, signs, and wheeling suitcases. They were on #Strike4Repeal, and they stood for hours outside the Dail chanting “Enda, Enda, where’s there referenda?”

However, instead of listening to what the public want, Enda decided to lash out a referendum that virtually nobody had asked for – Presidential voting rights abroad. The Taoiseach stated that the referendum was important because it emphasised the “historic recognition of the strong and enduring links between Ireland and all our citizens, wherever they are in the world.” Except those citizens travelling abroad to get abortions though, right?

Activists protest RTE’s coverage of #Strike4Repeal 

Last Wednesday, RTE dedicated a whopping 20 seconds of coverage to #Strike4Repeal. An event that saw thousands march the streets to Leinster House and effectively shut down O’Connell street bridge for hours was given the same amount of airtime as a story about stamps.

On Monday, a group of campaigners decided to take things into their own hands. If RTE weren’t going to cover the strike, they would bring the strike to them. Around 100 people took to the street in Donnybrook to protest our national broadcaster’s coverage (or lack thereof) of what was undoubtably one of the biggest stories of March 8th.

Instead of presenting the strike for what it really was – a fight for reproductive rights – it was reported as a march for “various issues.” An attempt to dilute the significance of the strike by merging it with other causes commonly recognised on International Women’s Day suggested that over 10,000 people did not march across town that day for one very specific reason – to repeal the 8th.

New EU ruling on hijabs in the workplace sparks outrage on Twitter #MyHijabDoesNotPreventMe

This week, it was reported that the European Court of Justice had ruled that employers could ban the hijab in the workplace. While the ruling itself can come into affect only if applicable to all religious symbols, it is the view of many that Muslims – and Muslim women in particular – are being unjustly targeted for their choice of dress.

The ruling came after two women were fired for refusing to remove their hijabs in work in France and Belgium. The EU court remain adamant that the decision is not discriminatory, as it references all religious symbols and not just those associated with Islam.

Following news of the ban, thousands took to Twitter to express their frustration. Using the hashtag #MyHijabDoesNotPreventMe, users emphasised the cultural significance of the hijab for those who choose to wear it, and argued that the ruling is inherently discriminatory against Muslim women.

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