Instagram Pick of the Week | Calvin Freeman

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Up this week is Calvin Freeman / @calvfree. Calvin is a self-taught photographer based in Dublin. He first picked up a camera in 2013.

Instagram Calvin Freeman
Calvin Freeman | @calvfree
What is Instagram for you?
Instagram for me has many different uses. First it’s a handy online portfolio to show my work. Second It is a great way to connect with other creatives and publishers. Lastly, it is an inspirational tool I use to further my creative process.
Instagram Calvin Freeman
Calvin Freeman | @calvfree
Why/when did you decide to start sharing your work on there? 
I started using Instagram in September 2016. Before that, I wasn’t really sharing much of my work. I changed my mind because I thought it was pointless to have all these shots and not show them to anyone. As for me, it’s in the nature of photography for it to be shared.
Instagram Calvin Freeman
Calvin Freeman | @calvfree
How would you describe your style?
I don’t necessarily like pigeonholing myself into one particular style because I generally just shoot what I find interesting. Over the past few months, the majority of my work centres around creating a mood with light. I try and inject atmosphere and colour in what could be initially considered a boring scene.
Instagram Calvin Freeman
Calvin Freeman | @calvfree
What equipment do you use? 
I shoot mainly digital (Canon 6D) for the majority of my work and I use 35mm film point and shoots for documenting experiences. Just recently, I’ve started shooting with film SLR’s, but all of the work on my Instagram is shot in digital.
Instagram Calvin Freeman
Calvin Freeman | @calvfree
Who has been or currently is an influence on you?
I wouldn’t say I have a particular photographer that influences me. I’m mainly influenced by what is around me and stimulated by seeing it in a different way.
Instagram Calvin Freeman
Calvin Freeman | @calvfree
What are your must-follow accounts on Instagram?
My favourite accounts over the past few months are @lekkerzine, @henrifilm and @simonsolbakken
Instagram Calvin Freeman
Calvin Freeman | @calvfree