Instagram Pick of the Week | Shane O’Malley
We love Instagram. Why? Because it brings tonnes of visual art right to your finger tips. Follow @thisheadstuff to stay up to date with our finds on our favourite app. You can find our other choices for Instagram Pick of the Week here.
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What is Instagram for you?
Its a funny one I look at it now as a tool, a way in which I can share my work, connect and be inspired by people. At times in the past it has been an unhealthy relationship but I try not to get too caught up in the likes or what other artists are doing, I just enjoy the experience for what it is and connect with people.
Why/when did you decide to start sharing your work there?
I started a the one I currently use about two years ago. For me everyone seemed to be using it to gain exposure and that’s why i joined.
How would you describe your style?
My style is influence by graffiti & graphic design. It is a visual language made of graphic geometric shapes, patterns, bold colours and characters inspired by folk art and emoticons.
What materials do you mainly work with?
I use spray paint when painting outdoors. Acrylics and water colours indoors.
Who has been or currently is an influence on you?
Street artists Felipe Pantone, Maser, Barry Mc Gee and Artists Josef Albers, Kandinsky and Carlos Cruz Diez. Mindset people like Ekhart Tolle, Thich Nhat Hanh and Brian Tracy have left huge impressions on me. My strong network of friends and family inspire me the most.
What are your must-follow accounts on Instagram?
@finbar247 @juliadunin @maserart @rasktdaklann @subsetdublin @okudart @lushsux @alberonero_