Game Review | Starfield Shoots for the Moon and Misses

As my spaceship emerges from interstellar travel to orbit a once-distant alien world, I know that once I’m down on its surface, it won’t feel like a world at all. Instead, what Starfield will give me is a series of zones, awkwardly stitched together in a way that makes it hard to pretend they make up a planet. This world, pretty though it may be, is merely a stage set. That’s true of any game’s world, of course, but in Starfield, the illusion doesn’t hold up under the weight of so much menu diving, so many loading screens, so much repetition in planetary features and structures. Yet I land here anyway, ready to see what awaits because there’s something at the core of Starfield that’s clicked with me, something that makes me wrestle with human truths and grand cosmic mysteries I can’t resist. I just wish the game’s weak points didn’t undermine the illusion it’s striving to create.

Starfield, released on September 6, 2023, marked acclaimed developer Bethesda’s first original property since The Elder Scrolls. The game promised a scale like no other, with over 1,000 planets to explore. However, while the vastness of Starfield’s universe is impressive, it falls short in several areas, affecting the gaming industry in several ways.

Starfield’s decision to provide an enormous scale of worlds, often navigated through fast-travel menu options instead of allowing players to roam freely, highlights a trend in the industry. The pursuit of quantity over quality can dilute the gaming experience, leaving players with a sense of shallowness in it’s vast virtual worlds.

The central quest in Starfield offers an oddly compelling narrative, but the game’s dialogue and worldbuilding often feel uninspired and derivative. This contrast between ambition and execution in storytelling is a common challenge faced by the gaming industry. Players crave engaging narratives, and when these fall short, it impacts the overall experience.


Starfield explores themes like the consequences of environmental degradation and corporate control over planets. While these themes have the potential to engage players on a deeper level, the game’s failure to fully capitalize on them highlights the industry’s need to deliver more meaningful and thought-provoking narratives.

Despite being marketed as an RPG, Starfield leans heavily into first-person shooter combat, blurring the lines between genres. This identity crisis raises questions about how games define themselves within the industry and whether a game can excel in multiple genres simultaneously.

Open-world games aim to create immersive and believable worlds, but Starfield’s fractured, menu-driven approach to planetary exploration challenges this concept. It emphasizes the importance of seamless and immersive world-building in the gaming industry.

Starfield’s lack of meaningful player choices and outcomes in its quests points to a broader issue in the industry. Players increasingly expect their decisions to shape the game’s narrative, and when this agency is limited, it can lead to disappointment.

Starfield, with its vast universe and intriguing themes, captures both the potential and pitfalls of the gaming industry. While it falls short in several areas, it still manages to offer a unique experience that keeps players engaged. As the gaming industry continues to evolve, addressing these challenges, such as balancing scale and depth, delivering compelling narratives, and offering meaningful player choices, will be crucial in creating memorable and impactful gaming experiences. Starfield serves as a reminder that even in the vastness of space, it’s the details that can make or break a game’s immersion and appeal.

Starfield, marketed as an RPG and coming from a studio renowned for its role-playing games, brings a unique blend of gameplay dynamics that set it apart in the gaming industry. However, these dynamics also come with their set of challenges. Starfield leans heavily on first-person shooter combat, challenging traditional RPG norms. The game’s decision to prioritize combat experiences over traditional RPG elements raises questions about the evolution of gameplay mechanics in the industry. How much can a game deviate from its genre roots before it loses its identity?

The game introduces RPG skills like stealth, improved space travel, and persuasion abilities. However, their gated progression through a skill tree slows down the player’s ability to fully explore these facets. The gaming industry often grapples with how to balance skill progression with player freedom and agency.

Starfield’s interior environments, despite their potential for variety, often appear disappointingly repetitive. The industry’s challenge here lies in maintaining player engagement by offering unique and diverse experiences, even in randomly generated or procedural content. The game’s lack of meaningful player choices and the linearity of its quests point to a broader issue in the industry. Players increasingly seek agency in shaping narratives. The challenge is to strike a balance between storytelling and player-driven experiences.

Starfield’s ambition to offer over 1,000 planets to explore raises important considerations for the gaming industry. Starfield exemplifies the industry trend of prioritizing quantity in open-world games. Developers aim to provide expansive worlds to explore, but this pursuit can lead to a sense of shallowness and a trade-off between quantity and quality. Creating seamless and immersive worlds is a hallmark of open-world games. Starfield’s segmented approach challenges this concept. The industry must continually strive to enhance immersion and believability in its virtual worlds.

Starfield, despite its shortcomings, manages to captivate players and sparks complex emotions. This duality highlights the potential of the gaming industry. Starfield’s ability to engage players despite its flaws underscores the personal connection individuals can develop with games. The industry’s challenge is to create experiences that resonate on a deep emotional level.

The game’s exploration of themes such as environmental degradation and corporate control demonstrates the industry’s capacity to delve into significant societal issues. However, it also reveals the need to fully realize these themes to engage players meaningfully.

Starfield serves as a compelling case study for the gaming industry. Its vast universe, gameplay dynamics, and thematic exploration highlight both the potential and challenges in the industry. Developers and players alike can learn valuable lessons from Starfield’s journey:

  • Balancing quantity and quality is crucial to delivering a satisfying gaming experience.
  • Immersion and seamless world-building remain essential for open-world games.
  • Player agency and meaningful choices enrich storytelling.
  • Games have the power to evoke deep emotions and provoke thought, even in the face of technical limitations.

As the gaming industry continues to evolve, it must navigate these challenges and opportunities to create games that leave a lasting impact on players and push the boundaries of interactive storytelling. Starfield, with all its flaws and strengths, serves as a reminder that the cosmos of gaming is vast and ever-expanding, waiting for new adventures and discoveries.

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