38 | Labyrinth with Erin McGathy

Comedian and podcaster Erin McGathy of This Feels Terrible, HarmonQuest and many other things too joins Alan & Ellen to talk about Jim Henson’s 1986 cult classic Labyrinth. Erin has very deep feelings about Labyrinth and was kind enough to share loads of them with us particularly ones about David Bowie. Ellen and Erin also formed a sacred and lasting bond over their water bottles.

This Feels Terrible is on all the podcast apps and is very good.

Relevant Twitter accounts for this episode:

Erin McGathy (@ErinMcGathy)
This Feels Terrible (@FeelsTerrible)
Ellen Tannam (@incogellen)
Alan Maguire (@alan_maguire)
Juvenalia (@Juvenalia_Pod)

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Erin McGathy pic via Outlaw
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Juvenalia original artwork by Dee McDonnell
This episode was produced by Brian + Alan
1 Comment
  1. Lindsay Rebecca Nelson says

    Just wanted to say thanks so much for this, as a lifelong Labyrinth fangirl it’s so nice to hear people talking about it in a positive way! I also think it’s important to distinguish between “favorite” and “best” movies–I’ll freely acknowledge Labyrinth’s flaws as a piece of filmmaking, but I’ll still hold it dear to my heart like a beloved child. It also struck me that a lot of the “this world makes no sense” criticism was likely coming from male critics who did not understand (and made no effort to understand) the complicated mind of a teenage girl. I was and still am so grateful for the way this movie put the female coming-of-age story (sexual confusion and all) front and center, and the way that, as Erin pointed out, you can draw new lessons and meanings from it every time you watch it. Erin, If you ever feel like seeking out some high-quality, non-porny Labyrinth fanfiction, I highly recommend Pika-la-Cynique’s webcomic The Girls Next Door (on DeviantArt), which does a wonderful job of expanding on a lot of the film’s central themes, and KL Morgan’s A Forfeit of Dreams (on Archive of Our Own), which is just wildly creative and well-written but very true to the spirit of the film. Thanks again for a great episode! (Alan, I was also obsessed with Galaxy High, thank you for bringing back those memories!)

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