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Joseph Learoyd

Monster | The Nature of Humanity

What makes us human? What gives us identity? These are questions that philosophers and psychologists have tried to answer and pinpoint. Despite many debates and theories, what appears to be common consensus is that humanity, who we are, is…

Foley Artists | They’re All Sound

By far one of the most important yet overlooked parts of the movie and animation process is sound engineering - the incorporation of music and sound effects into a film to enhance the realism and atmosphere of a scene. This is very…

Cartoon Catch Up | Big Guy and Rusty

Big Guy and Rusty the Boy Robot, or simply, Big Guy and Rusty as it is often called, was a 26-episode animated series that first aired in 1999 and found its way to Irish screens not long after. I have fond memories of sitting down and…

Cartoon Catch Up | Inspector Gadget

Inspector Gadget was a cartoon that ran from 1983 to 1986 and spawned a film as well as various other TV series, most of which are now more well-known than the original. That said, the first animated series deserves credit for paving the…