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Breaking Bad Reading Habits

You're here on Headstuff having a poke around, so I'm going to assume that you love to read and learn about new things. May I ask you something personal? Why do you read? And what criteria do you use to select the books you read? All…

Ernest Hemingway

The first thing I read by Ernest Hemingway was a short story called 'Hills Like White Elephants'. I had never read anything like it before. It kind of changed everything for me. I threw away my thesaurus that day. Okay, I lied; I didn't…

Deep Clean

Easy does. Mirror. Signal. Manouevre. Thread the steer wheel through my hands, pull into layby. Then sit with car purring underneath me like, how you say, a sated tiger. A piece of sweat run down my forehead. I wipe on sleeve so it not…