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PJ Gallagher

Dubland Meets Stefanie Preissner

Dubland meets Stefanie Preissner. Suzanne and PJ help Stefanie to get over some slight nerves about being on Dubland. They then proceed to talk about politics, god, science, dick pics, a few Netflix documentaries and addictive…

Dubland | Rob The Bank, Pet The Dog

Dubland starts this week with some ACTION as Suzanne decorates the brand new studio with some fresh coffee. PJ commentates and then the hard sell begins - Dubland needs a sponsor! If you can help, get in touch. The serious business of the…

Dubland | I’ve Got Bread and Cheese

After a short review of the previous episode of Dubland, Suzanne and PJ move on to discuss PJ's total lack of social life. This leads to his interaction with his good-looking neighbour. Which of course leads to talk of him moving house, and…

Dubland | Unicorn Horn

Dubland is back after the Christmas break, but PJ is not in the humour. He's done with New Year's, he's done with Christmas, he's done with all of it. Suzanne, who loves Christmas, also had a bad time of it, but at least it wasn't…

The Dubland Christmas Party LIVE!

The Dubland Christmas Party was an enormously fun affair. Suzanne and PJ (and the audience) talked about Christmas movies, Christmas ads, animal facts (with a vet in toe), dogs, a sneaky hotel conspiracy and there is a special guest star of…