Browsing Tag

racism in ireland

On Versatile’s Debasement of Hip-Hop

Versatile’s debasement of hip-hop should have firebombed the project a long time ago. Their writing is preposterous – a Gatling gun delivery of god-awful one-liners punctuated by moments of extreme racism and misogyny. These attempted jokes…

#64 | Emma Dabiri

The Alison Spittle Show – Episode 64 – Emma Dabiri In Episode 64 – recorded at HeadStuff HQ – Alison talks to author and broadcaster Emma Dabiri about why a whole nation is trying to disown her, an American childhood, wealthy Nigerian…

#6 | Racism

This week on The Suss, Iceland ranks first in the world for gender equality. Steph looks at the country’s recent move to outlaw men being paid more than women for the same work. Glenn highlights conflicting reports in the press about how…