TV Preview | Ash Vs Evil Dead – The Boomstick is Back

I was raised on old school horror and like most genre buffs, I have noticed that the quality in modern horrors is, well, not very scary.

Partially down to being desensitised from years of heads exploding (thank you Battle Royal 2), psychotic and genuinely scary killers (Jason, Freddy and Michael – good job), right down to just plain weird (I’m still not sure what went on in Jacob’s Ladder), modern horror just doesn’t live up to the classics. So when I heard American TV channel Stars were bringing out an Evil Dead series I got really excited… possibly too excited. Check out the trailer that was released at this years Comic-con.

[youtube id=”LdRyAVsWVJ0″ align=”center” autoplay=”no” maxwidth=”750″]

I love a good mix of gore and comedy with Peter Jackson’s Braindead being one of my favourites alongside the Evil Dead films. Bruce Campbell is an acquired taste, but the self proclaimed “Chin”, in my eyes, has still got it. When I saw the trailer I was really confused. Why did Ash have his hand? Was he Ash or Bruce… wtf is going on?

On closer inspection… or full on stalk mode if you will, I came up with the answers. This continues on the same timeline as Evil Dead. So after 25 years Ash is now aged, using a wooden hand for daily life and scarred. Still a dim wit that somehow managed to scramble through the masses of blood and demonic creatures to save the day and his ass in the original films. His immaturity is almost like a trophy for his dedication to aspiring to not grow as a person one single bit, as he is still a stock boy in the newly named Value Shop as legally S-Mart is no longer with us.

Ash vs Evil Dead - HeadStuff.orgSam Raimi is back to direct the pilot episode which airs on Halloween night. It’s going to give Evil Dead fans everything they asked for. More more more. More blood, more Ash and more humour. There’s also been mention of another movie after the series also. Ash, his boomstick, his chainsaw and, comically, his trusty girdle will be back along with some help this time in the form of two trusty co-workers, or as Lucy Lawless’ character Ruby Knowby calls them “the loser gang”. Now for those of you who may think, “hmmm… Knowby… that rings a bell”, this is because of Professor Knowby from the original series. Yes, the guy who unleashed the Deadites onto the world without knowing. Are they related? We don’t know yet. What we do know is she has a bone to pick with Ash, as she believes he started the whole deadite plague debacle.

There is no doubt in my mind that this will be ridiculous and gory and, more than likely, ridiculously gory and I for one cannot wait!

Ash Vs Evil Dead premiers on October 31st 2015.