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European Space Agency TEDx

Last Wednesday, November 11th I flew to the European Space Agency's Research & Technology Centre (ESTEC) in Noordwijk, The Netherlands, to attend their TEDxESA event, which was themed on Science Beyond Fiction, an investigation into the…

On This Day | October 5th

October 5th, known to the Romans as October Vthius, is a special day as approximately 1/365 of the world's population celebrate their birthday today! Happy Birthday to all 19,178,082 of you! Here's your birthday horoscope, some facts about…

Water On Mars: So What Now?

The announcement this week of finding running water on the Martian surface was big news, your Facebook and Twitter feeds were filled with the revelation and people rushed to find the closet Airbnb next to the picturesque rivers of the Red…

The Year 2040! Space University week 7-8

Hi all, And greetings for the last time from sunny Athens, Ohio. This is my last blogpost from here as we have arrived at our final week on the Space Studies Programme.  This time next week I shall be in Edinburgh at Summerhall Theatre…