#2 | Activism with Amanda Azams

The Suss is a new look at current affairs on the HeadStuff Podcasting Network. Glenn and Steph are joined this week by Dublin-based activist and performer Amanda Azams. Amanda is the founder of the Fried Plantains Collective, intended to create space for artists from the African diaspora and LGBTQ people of colour. Up for sussing out this week in the first part of the show is the from RTÉ Investigates’ recent documentary ‘A Nightmare to Let’. This is preceded by a chat about the publication of both the Public Health Bill.

Ireland in recent times has provided a whole host of examples of activism and after a quick discussion about some of the highlights, Christina Ling’s recent critique of activism in 2017 for Medium then provokes a fiery discussion about potential problems of ‘bandwagonism’ for activists and social movements.

The Suss Episode 2 – Activism with Amanda Azams


The show closes out with ‘Sail and Rail’ by Sissy.

Produced by Brian Brennan
Music: Decepticon by Le Tigre
Artwork: Patrick Murphy