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music video

New Music Friday | 13

Featuring new music from: Speed of Snakes | Ayala | Adam Cohen | Wyvern Lingo | Demob Happy | Trebuchet | Artist: Speed of Snakes Song: Backbone of Night Artist: Ayala Song: 5157 Miles…

RM Hubbert | interview

I had just finished listening to Thirteen Lost and Found while eating scrambled eggs on toast when it was time to ring RM Hubbert for a chat. For anyone who doesn't know, Hubby is a mainstay of the Scottish music scene, his above…

New Music Friday | 12

Featuring new music from: Fox Jaw | Girl Band | Memnon Sa | My Brightest Diamond | Lily and Madeleine | Ensh | The Black Angels | The Wands | Artist: Fox Jaw Song: Falling Debris News: Album launch in The Grand…