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Topical News
Topical News from Ireland and abroad
Topical news and current affairs about what’s happening in Ireland and around the world with a keen interest in Equality, Women’s Rights, Society, Mental Health, Sexuality and Politics.
The Week in World News: Ethiopia, Eritrea, elections
There's a whole world out there that you might just miss if you don't stop and read the papers. So with this in mind, let's take a look back at some of the week's biggest global stories.
Did you hear the one about Trump?
Since closing…
The week in world news | Caves, Conventions and Coveney
The world moves fast. If you don't stop and read the papers, you might just miss a few things. So with this in mind, let's take you through a few of those global stories that you may have missed during the week.
Migration in Europe
The work…
“Let’s get to work” | Hillary Clinton’s Trinity College address
At the end of a week that saw RTÉ air its acclaimed documentary No Country For Women, while news of the dearth of women at the MacGill summer school flooded the internet, Hillary Rodham Clinton’s Trinity College, Dublin address offered a…
Are We Being Complicit When We Separate the Art From the Artist?
Many exceptionally talented and world-changing people have led disgraceful personal lives. In fact, the list is probably too long to count. Winston Churchill was an outspoken champion of chemical warfare. Bill Cosby — “America’s Dad” — is a…
Declan Ganley Doesn’t “Trust” Politicians On Repeal
Campaigning for the referendum to Repeal the 8th Amendment is now in full flow. I have not thrown myself into the debate in any meaningful sense because I think there are already many people to make the case for Repeal in much better…
Facing Genocide: Letting History Repeat Itself in Syria
I was 15-years-old the first time I saw a Holocaust survivor speak; she said that “we must never allow this to happen again.” Soon after, I went to the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington, D.C. These were experiences of…
Our Odd Couple Fall Out Again | The Collapse of Stormont
When news broke of the collapse at Stormont and the current round of political attempts to bring devolved government back to Northern Ireland, as it is found in Edinburgh and Cardiff, hundreds of us went to the theatre, specifically to The…
Was Time Really #Up at This Year’s Golden Globes?
Sunday night saw the beginning of the awards season frenzy leading up to the Oscars, starting off with the Golden Globes. In light of recent sexual assault allegations within Hollywood and the wider entertainment industry, the awards…
Tipping Point | Will 2018 Finally Be The Year For Repeal?
I'm writing this while still giddy from the news that the Joint Committee on the 8th Amendment voted unequivocally to put a repeal referendum to the nation. The 8th amendment is now 34 years old. I just turned 33. It was voted in while I…
Housing is a Structural Problem, Start Treating it Like One
Last month Apollo House was sentenced to demolition. The office block which served as a symbol of hope during the beginning of the homelessness crisis last year will be part of a €50 million euro development. A development which will…