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Is This The Modern World?

‘Modern’ is a word of soapy slipperiness that means different things to different people. The values it carries vary too; for some, seeking to be modern is an inherently noble aspiration while for others the very word is an…

James McClean and the Poppy

TO WEAR OR NOT TO WEAR: THAT IS THE QUESTION James McClean is a young Irish professional soccer player from Derry Londonderry, making his living in England. He writes publicly to his employer to explain his reasons for not wearing a…

Football and Murder: The Deadly Game

With the UK observing Remembrance Day last Sunday, many football clubs have been honouring past players who met their fate in battle during the First World War. Throughout the weekend, games began with the traditional one minute’s silence.…

Football Transfers Through The Ages

And so goes another deadline, closing the window for football transfers. The excitement has died down, the deals done and the dust settled for another while. The high prices and high profile players switching shirts is not a new…