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Topical News

Topical News from Ireland and abroad

Topical news and current affairs about what’s happening in Ireland and around the world with a keen interest in Equality, Women’s Rights, Society, Mental Health, Sexuality and Politics.


It's that time of year again. The end of it. The time when Christmas has already been going on for about four months and we're just waiting for it to finally be over. When we're all trying to convince ourselves that 2016 might just be our…

Christmas Time & Seasonal Shame

The Irish Times is a major newspaper in Ireland. The weekend edition is published each Saturday and includes a magazine with human-interest features on celebrities, personalities, food, fashion, travel and gardening. There's a comprehensive…


With a backdrop of exquisite costumes, ornate buildings and stunning landscapes, Arabian Nights, Pasolini’s 1974 film, portrays the ancient Ottoman world through several linked stories involving precariously innocent relationships and ready…