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Poetry Chairs & Elegy Karaoke? It’s November Poetrybeat!
The clocks have gone back, the central heating's on and you've just recovered from the Halloween nom-noms sugar-induced coma. Hello... it must be time for November Poetrybeat!
Winter is, indeed, coming. But that's no reason to go into…
Holy Mother of Poems is that the September Poetrybeat?
September is back with a vengeance, traffic is worse, kids have disappeared into their schooling and we’re all in need of a little poetry. So we’re here to give it to you. The summer might be over, but there are still all sorts of poems to…
Poetrybeat |6| The Simpson’s Poet Robert Pinsky is in the Country
August is mad for the poems, mad for them. It was almost impossible to choose what to feature, with stellar line-ups popping up all over the country. I couldn’t possibly mention everything, so these are just a few of the highlights. If you…
Poetrybeat |5| Feat: Erin Fornoff
This month is going to be mad. Poets don't do summer holidays, they do poetry and this July is no exception. So get yourself to a poetry event, read a poem, write a poem, get jiggy with a damn poem. Here's July's poetrybeat round up to show…
Poetrybeat |4| FRESH: Dublin’s Newest Poetry Slam
Things are chugging along nicely at Poetrystuff. We’ve lots of new things coming up this month: a stellar piece on some romantics, we’re meeting Colm Keegan, there’s some phenomenal Poems of the Week and a new feature called Poetrylust…
Poetrybeat |3| Feat: Victoria Kennefick
It seems like poetry just keeps happening and this month is no exception. So sit down and peruse the poetrybeat as I highlight a few of the MANY beautiful word things happening this May.
LINGO are looking for you…
Yep, it’s a bit…
Poetrybeat |2| Feat: How to Get Your Performer’s Pass to Electric Picnic
This month there’s so much poetry happening that you won’t even know how to handle it. I can barely handle it myself. I’ve changed this beat way too many times. My poor little heart is way too fickle. It wants all the poets. After much…
Poetrybeat |1| Feat: Ireland’s Brave New Voices
I will be doing a monthly poetrybeat highlighting some things I’m a great big fan girl of. I say fan girl in the most serious and academic way. I’m tempted to do the beat in verse, but I don’t think I’d have any friends left. If all this…