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Great Scott! Back to the Future is Now!

Great Scott! Today’s the day Michael J. Fox has been paranoid about for years. It’s the day Marty McFly arrives into 2015. So apart from the fact that we’re all going to start dressing like this today: What did Back to the Future get…

Here Be Algorithms

We live in an age of algorithms. They fly our planes for us, explore the distant rocks of Mars for us, find us our soulmates (or at least a cheeky Tinder rendezvous), and even help us find something good to stick on the telly of a dreary…

Secret Article Do Not Open!

There are lovers' secrets, family secrets, State secrets, secret codes, handshakes and diaries. Have you a secret and can you keep one? Secrets ignite our thirst for knowledge and everybody has at least one. Even as I write this I have…

Terminator Robots?

This week Terminator Genisys, Schwarzeneggered back into the cinema to remind us that robots spell the doom of us all. But how close are we really to needing our John Connor? Sometimes research into robotics and artificial intelligence…

Our Man Tesla

It was a hot and stormy summer’s night 160 years ago when Nikola Tesla drew his first breath. If the world had known what wonders he would bring, it might have paid more attention. Nikola Tesla was one of the greatest scientific minds of…